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Hsk Standard Course 3 Pdf Download

HSK Standard Course 3, by Liu Chang and Lu Jiang, contains 20 lessons. Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design.

Grammar Points by Table of Contents

  1. Lesson 1: 周末你有什么打算 What's your plan for the weekend
    1. 结果补语 "好" The Complement of Result "好"
    2. "一...... 也/都 + 还/没......" 表示否定 The Negative Structure "一...... 也/都 + 还/没......"
    3. 连词 "那" The Conjunction "那"
  2. Lesson 2: 他什么时候回来 When will he come back
    1. 简单趋向补语 Simple Complements of Direction
    2. 两个动作连续发生 The Successive Occurrence of Two Actions
    3. 反问的表达: 能......吗? The Rhetoric Question "能......吗?"
  3. Lesson 3: 桌子上放着很多饮料 There are plenty of drinks on the table
    1. "还是" 和 "或者" Comparison of "还是" and "或者"
    2. 存在的表达: Location Word + V着 + Numeral + Measure Word + N The Expression of Existence: Location Word +V着 + Numeral + Measure Word + N
    3. "会" 表示可能 "会" Indicating the Possibility
  4. Lesson 4: 她总是笑着跟客人说话 She always smiles when talking to customers
    1. 又...... 又...... The Structure "又...... 又......"
    2. 动作的伴随: V1 着 (O1) + V2(O2) The Accompanying Action: V1着 (O1) + V2(O2)
  5. Lesson 5: 我最近越来越胖了 I am getting fatter and fatter lately
    1. "了" 表示变化 "了" Indicating a Change
    2. 越来越 + Adj/Mental V The Structure "越来越 + Adj/Mental V"
  6. Lesson 6: 怎么在突然找不到了 Why are they suddenly missing
    1. 可能补语: V得/还 + Complements of Possibility Complements of Possibility Introduced by "V得/还"
    2. "呢" 询问处所: "N + 呢" "N + 呢" Used to Ask about Location
    3. "刚" 和 "刚才" Comparison of "刚" and "刚才"
  7. Lesson 7: 我跟她都认识五年了 I've known her for five years
    1. 时段的表达 To Express a Period of Time(see also Expressing ongoing duration with double "le")
    2. 表达兴趣 To Express an Interest
    3. 用 "半" "刻" "差" 表示时间 To Indicate Time Using "半" "刻" "差"(see also Structure of times (basic))
  8. Lesson 8: 你去哪儿我就去哪儿 I'll go wherever you go
    1. "又" 和 "再" Comparison of "又" and "再"
    2. 疑问代词活用 1 Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns 1
  9. Lesson 9: 她的汉语说得跟中国人一样好 She speaks Chinese like a native
    1. 越 A 越 B The Structure "越 A 越 B"
    2. 比较句 1: A 跟 B 一样 (+ Adj) Comparative Sentences 1: A 跟 B 一样 (+ Adj)
  10. Lesson 10: 数学比历史难多了 Maths is much harder than history
    1. 比较句 2: A 比 B + Adj + 一点儿/一些/得多/多了 Comparative Sentences 2: A 比 B + Adj + 一点儿/一些/得多/多了 (see also Basic comparisons with "meiyou")
    2. 概数的表达 1: Expression of Approximate Numbers 1
  11. Lesson 11: 别忘了把空调关了 Don't forget to turn off the air conditioner
    1. "把" 字句 1: A 把 B + V+ ...... The Ba-Sentence 1: A 把 B + V + ......
    2. 概数的表达 2: 左右 Expression of Approximate Numbers 2: 左右
  12. Lesson 12: 把重要的东西放在我这儿吧 Leave the important items with me
    1. "才" 和 "就" Comparison of "才" and "就"
    2. "把" 字句 2: A 把 B + V + 在/到/给...... The Ba-Sentence 2: A 把 B + V + 在/到/给......
  13. Lesson 13: 我是走回来的 I walked back
    1. 复合趋向补语 Compound Complements of Direction
    2. 一边 ...... 一边 ...... The Structure "一边 ...... 一边 ......"
  14. Lesson 14: 你把水果拿过来 Please bring the fruit here
    1. "把" 字句 3: A 把 B + V + 结果补语/趋向补语 The Ba-Structure 3: A 把 B + V + Complement of Result/Direction
    2. 先 ......, 再/又 ......, 然后 ...... The Structure "先 ......,再/又 ......,然后 ......"
  15. Lesson 15: 其他都没什么问题 The rest of them are all OK
    1. 除了...... 以外, 都/还/也 ...... The Structure "除了 ...... 以外, 都/还/也 ......"
    2. 疑问代词活用 2 Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns 2
    3. 程度的表达: 极了 "极了" Used to Indicate Degree
  16. Lesson 16: 我现在累得下了班就想睡觉 I am so tired that I want to do nothing but sleep after work
    1. 如果 ...... (的话),( S ) 就 ......
    2. 复杂的状态补语 Complex Complements of State
    3. 单音节形容词重叠 Reduplication of Monosyllabic Adjectives
  17. Lesson 17: 谁都有办法看好你的病 Everybody is able to cure your "disease"
    1. 双音节动词重叠 Reduplication of Disyllabic Verbs
    2. 疑问代词活用3 Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns 3
  18. Lesson 18: 我相信他们会同意的 I believe they'll agree
    1. 只要 ...... 就 ...... The Preposition "只要 ...... ,就 ......"
    2. 介词 "关于" The Preposition "关于"
  19. Lesson 19: 你没看出来吗 Didn't you recognise him
    1. 趋向补语的引申义 Extension of the Complements of Direction (备注:书里的例句里有"下来,出来",Grammar Wiki 里 只有"起来"
    2. "使" "叫" "让" Comparison of "使" ,"叫" and "让"
  20. Lesson 20: 我被他影响了 I've been influenced by him
    1. "被"字句 The Bei-Sentence
    2. 只有 ...... 才 ...... The Structure "只有 ...... 才 ......"

Grammar Point References to This Book

  • pp. 100 Aspect particle "zhe", 32 ()
  • pp. 101 Expressing lateness with "cai", 117-8 ()
  • pp. 107 Comparing "cai" and "jiu", 101 ()
  • pp. 111 Simultaneous tasks with "yibian", 207 ()
  • pp. 119 Sequencing with "xian" and "zai", 105 ()
  • pp. 128 Expressing "except" and "in addition" with "chule… yiwai", 80 ()
  • pp. 128 Expressing "some" with question words (B1)
  • pp. 129 Adjectives with "-ji le", 8 ()
  • pp. 138 Expressing "if... then..." with "ruguo... jiu...", 184 ()
  • pp. 139 Reduplication of adjectives, 53 ()
  • pp. 14, 110, 162 Direction complement, 118 ()
  • pp. 146 Expressing "every" with question words, 117 ()
  • pp. 154 Expressing "about" with "guanyu" (B1)
  • pp. 154 Expressing "as long as" with "zhiyao", 93 ()
  • pp. 163 Causative verbs, 93 ()
  • pp. 171 Using "bei" sentences, 470-7 ()
  • pp. 172 Expressing "only if" with "zhiyou", 42 ()
  • pp. 23 Alternative existential sentences, 128 ()
  • pp. 23 Comparing "haishi" and "huozhe", 74-5 ()
  • pp. 23 Offering choices with "haishi", 76-7, 257-8 ()
  • pp. 24, 67 Questions with "ne", 49 ()
  • pp. 32 Expressing "both A and B" with "you", 122 ()
  • pp. 40 Change of state with "le", 68 ()
  • pp. 40 Expressing "more and more" with "yuelaiyue", 295 ()
  • pp. 49 Potential complement, 118 ()
  • pp. 4 Expressing "not even one", 153 ()
  • pp. 50 Comparing "gang" and "gangcai", 216 ()
  • pp. 58 Expressing duration with "le", 118-9 ()
  • pp. 58 Expressing ongoing duration with double "le", 68 ()
  • pp. 5 Expressing "then…" with "name", 104-5 ()
  • pp. 61 Reduplication of verbs, 146 ()
  • pp. 67 Comparing "zai" and "you", 157 ()
  • pp. 67 Expressing "as one likes" with "jiu", 305 ()
  • pp. 68 Result complements, 4 ()
  • pp. 75 Basic comparisons with "yiyang", 55 ()
  • pp. 75 Expressing "the more... the more..." with "yue… yue…" (B2)
  • pp. 84 Structure of times (advanced), 59 ()
  • pp. 84 Structure of times (basic), 59 ()
  • pp. 84 Approximating with sequential numbers (A2)
  • pp. 84 Basic comparisons with "meiyou", 69- 71 ()
  • pp. 93, 101, 119 Using "ba" sentences, 461-70 ()
  • pp. 93 Expressing "will" with "hui", 24 ()
  • pp. 93 Expressing "much more" in comparisons, 84 ()

HSK Standard Course (HSK 标准教程)

  • HSK Standard Course 1 →buy
  • HSK Standard Course 2 →buy
  • HSK Standard Course 3 →buy
  • HSK Standard Course 4上 →buy
  • HSK Standard Course 4下 →buy
  • HSK Standard Course 5上 →buy
  • HSK Standard Course 5下 →buy
  • HSK Standard Course 6上 →buy
  • HSK Standard Course 6下 →buy

See also

  • Grammar Points Added or Updated for HSK


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